I stand with the Constitution.

John Adams: Tell me, Mr. Thomson, out of curiosity. Do you stand with Mr. Dickinson, or do you stand with me?

Thomson: I stand with the General. Well, lately, I’ve had the oddest feeling that he’s been writing to me.

Thomson: [reading from Washington’s letter] I have been in expectation of receiving a reply on the subject of my last fifteen dispatches. Is anybody there? Does anybody care? Does anybody care?

I can no longer in good conscience support any candidate from either of the two major parties.  I will vote in November, but I will cast a ballot only for Libertarian candidates.

Some think this means I’ve become a Libertarian.  Not the case.  I am a surly conservative independent curmudgeon, I do not affiliate with any political party.  It is true that I have long associated myself with the GOP because they were the last, best hope for the Republic.

No more.

I will vote for Libertarians, not because I expect them to win, or because I think they actually plan if elected to put in motion the philosophies they espouse, but because I protest the fact that the GOP and the Democrats have become nothing more than centers of political power, their elected officials more interested in private power and gain than in the welfare of the American citizens whom they claim to serve.  Both parties are filled to the brim with traitors and thieves, propping themselves up with pelf wrested from the citizenry by force (or by threat of force).  Indeed, there do not seem to be any true divisions between the two parties anymore, as they are more interested in their phoney baloney jobs and the society of their friends and fellow traitors on both sides of the aisle than they are in returning to the plow, Cincinnatus-like, and the society of the Great Unwashed who put them where they are.  Panem et circenses is their watchword to perpetuation in office; and when nearly half of Americans pay no taxes and live off of government handouts, and yet still have a vote in who represents them in Congress, it is clear that we are headed down that same path trod by Romans before us.

To this, I say, bah.  We are better than that.  At least some of us are.

The gauntlet has been thrown down, America, by those who consider themselves your betters.  What are you going to do about it?  Do you stand with those who would control you, and put chains on you?  Or do you stand with the Constitution?