More lying crap from the far right.

Look, seriously: Please stop this shit.


Posted on Facebook last night by a friend who ought to know better. Go Google “US Army Sgt. Gregory Hayes”.  There is no such person* and, so far as I can tell, no such crime being tried in the courts.

I rail every day about memes like this that are promulgated by the loony left, but it just absolutely enrages me when I see the isolationist far right doing the same thing.  You people are better than this.  Because, if you’re not, you need to be put down like the rabid dogs you are.

I am no fan of opening the borders to unvetted Syrian refugees — or any others.  I want illegal aliens to go home and not come back.  But I refuse to be a party to rabble-rousing by ANY group of people.  STOP LYING, YOU FUCKS.  AND DO YOUR GODDAMN RESEARCH BEFORE YOU BLINDLY PASS A MEME YOU LIKED BECAUSE YOUR FUCKING KNEE JERKED AND YOU GOT A HARD-ON WHEN YOU SAW IT.



* At least not according to Google; if your name is Gregory Hayes and you’re a retired Army Sergeant, I apologize, but I doubt you’re sitting in jail waiting to be tried for murder…and no retired Army Sergeant would be sitting in a bar wearing a hipster beardlet, anyway.  I hope.  Because if you are, either grow that fuzz out proper, or get a fucking shave, sarge.