E-marketers should be hanged.

Contrary to what might be popular belief, I don’t really mind getting the occasional* email from someone I do business with, alerting me to a special or a new product.

The problem I have with e-marketers is the scattershot approach that they take.  Specifically, I am referring to all of the emails I’ve been getting for the past week suggesting something I might like to buy for Dad for Father’s Day.

And I really feel like forwarding them all back to their CEOs with the notation:  “What do you buy for the man who’s been dead for 13 years?”

Of course they have no way of knowing that my father died in 2002, or that a lot of other people’s fathers have also passed away or are not otherwise in their lives.  But not having that knowledge, why infuriate people in that position with the constant drumbeat of advertising for a holiday they don’t celebrate by buying a gift?


* And I do mean “occasional”, not every fucking day like some of these marketing lice do.